Virtues 3-16-2025 Second Sunday of Lent - The Virtue of Purity - Fr. Matthew WilderFourteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Battle for Purity - Fr. Paul KrugFifth Sunday after Pentecost - Forgive and You Shall be Forgiven - Fr. Colin BuckleyThanksgiving Day - The Virtue of Gratitude - Fr. Colin BuckleyTwenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - Strive to Love Your God - Fr. Colin BuckleyTwenty-First Sunday After Pentecost - Putting on the Armor of God - Fr. Paul KrugNineteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Ways to Fight Anger - Fr. Shane BuckleyThirteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Show Gratitude to Christ - Fr Colin BuckleyTwenty-First Sunday After Pentecost - Imitate the Mercy of Christ - Fr. Colin BuckleyFeast of the North American Martyrs - St. Isaac Jogues and the Virtue of Fortitude - Fr. Colin BuckleyFifth Sunday After Pentecost - Fight Anger by Kindness and Meekness - Fr. Colin BuckleySexagesima Sunday - Persevere With Noble and Generous Hearts - Bishop Joseph SantayFeast of the Circumcision - Obedience, If You Love Me Keep My Commandments - Fr. Matthew WilderFourteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Walk in the Spirit - Bishop Joseph SantaySixth Sunday After Pentecost - Detachment - Fr. Colin BuckleySunday Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart - Forgiveness and Mercy - Bishop Joseph SantayFirst Sunday of Advent - Prepare for Christmas by Avoiding Sin and Practicing Virtue - Bishop Joseph SantaySecond Sunday of Advent - Practice of Virtue - Fr. Paul BaumbergerThird Sunday of Advent - The Importance of Good Example - Fr. Colin BuckleyThird Sunday of Advent - Knowledge of Self and Humility - Fr. Paul BaumbergerChristmas Eve - Patience Amidst Inconveniences - Bishop Joseph SantayThe Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord - Imitate the Obedience of the Christ Child - Fr. Matthew WilderThe Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord - Prayer and the Practice of Virtue - Bishop Joseph SantaySecond Sunday After Epiphany - Generosity and Disinterested Love - Fr. Leo VeitkusThe Feast of the Holy Family - Imitate the Virtues of the Holy Family - Fr. Matthew NewmanThe Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Patience in the Storms of Life - Fr. Colin BuckleyThird Sunday After the Epiphany - Distrust of Self - Fr. Leo VeitkusSeptuagesima Sunday - Strive for Perfection - Fr. Benjamin SelwayFirst Sunday of Lent - Fighting Temptations Against Purity - Bishop James CarrollSecond Sunday After Easter - Good Shepherd Sunday - Forgiving Others - Fr. Leo VeitkusThird Sunday After Easter - Carry the Cross Patiently and Cheerfully - Fr. Benjamin SelwayFourth Sunday After Easter - Be Swift to Hear and Slow to Speak - Fr. Benjamin SelwayFourth Sunday After Easter - Fighting Anger and Impatience - Fr. Sebastian FantzFourth Sunday After Easter - The Anger of Man Worketh Not the Justice of God - Bishop Joseph SantayFifth Sunday After Easter - Control of the Tongue is Essential - Bishop Joseph SantayAscension Thursday - Being Grateful for All That We Have - Fr. Benjamin SelwayPentecost Sunday - Generosity in the Practice of Virtue - Bishop James CarrollDedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul - Gratitude to God - Fr. James CarrollFeast of the Precious Blood - Martyrs of Patience - Fr. Leo VeitkusTenth Sunday After Pentecost - Humble Ourselves Before God - Fr. Leo VeitkusTenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Evil of Pride and the Goodness of Humility - Fr. Matthew NewmanThirteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Gratitude - Bishop Joseph SantayTwenty-second Sunday After Pentecost - Speak the Truth in All Things - Fr. James Carroll