Miscellaneous 2-9-2025 Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany - Beg for the Graces Needed - Fr. Colin Buckley1-26-2025 Third Sunday After the Epiphany - Be Resigned to God's Will in Everything - Fr. Michael Martin11-17-2024 Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - The Little Mustard Seeds - Fr. Colin Buckley10-20-2024 Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost - The Pedestal of Pride - Fr. Colin Buckley10-13-2024 - Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost - The Amazing Treasure of Penance - Fr. Colin Buckley9-22-2024 - Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Foster a True Hatred of Sin - Fr. Michael ButlerFifteenth Sunday After Pentecost - We Need the Sacrament of Penance - Bishop James CarrollFourteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Two Masters - Fr. Matthew NewmanThirteenth Sunday After Pentecost - A Spirit of Gratitude to God - Bishop Joseph SantayEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - Go in Peace - Fr. Matthew WilderEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - Be Thou Opened - Fr. Colin BuckleyTenth Sunday After Pentecost - To Keep the Seal of Confession - Fr. Shane BuckleyTenth Sunday After Pentecost - Not to Judge Others - Fr. Leo VeitkusNinth Sunday After Pentecost - But Thou Wouldst Not - Bishop Joseph SantayNinth Sunday After Pentecost - Let Us Avail Ourselves of the Merits of Christ - Fr. Shane BuckleyEighth Sunday After Pentecost - Receive the Sacraments Worthily - Fr. Matthew WilderSeventh Sunday After Pentecost - Accept Everything as Coming from God - Fr. Colin BuckleyFourth Sunday After Pentecost - Fathers, the Unsung Heroes - Fr. Colin BuckleyThird Sunday After Pentecost - Pray and Sacrifice for the Lost Sheep - Rev. Mr. Michael ButlerSunday Within the Octave of the Ascension - The Love of a Mother - Fr. Paul KrugFourth Sunday After Easter - St. Thomas Aquinas, the Gentle Giant - Fr. Colin BuckleyThird Sunday After Easter - Make Reparation - Fr. Colin BuckleySecond Sunday After Easter - Our Good Shepherd - Fr. Colin BuckleyLow Sunday - Put Your Trust in Our Lord - Fr. Colin BuckleyLow Sunday - God's Gift of Faith - Rev. Mr. Michael ButlerPassion Sunday - The Judgment Seat of the Confessional - Fr. Alexander PetersSecond Sunday of Lent - Aim High, Aim for Heaven - Fr. Sebastian FantzSecond Sunday of Lent - We Need Saints - Fr. Paul KrugSexagesima Sunday - Vanity is Foolish - Fr. Leo VeitkusTwenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - The Gift of Holy Fear of the Lord - Fr. Colin BuckleyTwenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost - Strive to Lead a Catholic Life - Fr. Colin BuckleyTwenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost - The Great Travesty of Mankind - Fr. Leo VeitkusTwentieth Sunday After Pentecost - Show Your Faith By Your Actions - Fr. Alexander PetersTwentieth Sunday After Pentecost - Peer Pressure and Prudence - Fr. Shane BuckleyNineteenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Baptismal Garment of the Soul - Fr. Paul KrugFourteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Worldliness, A Rival for God - Fr. Alexander PetersThirteenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Exceeding Goodness of God - Fr. Colin BuckleyEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - To Lead Men Back to Christ - Rev. Mr. Alexander PetersSunday Within the Octave of the Ascension - The Truth About Indulgences - Fr. Shane BuckleyFourth Sunday After Easter - The Destroyer of Peace and Happiness - Rev. Mr. Alexander PetersThird Sunday After Easter - At War With the Spirit of the World - Fr. Leo VeitkusThird Sunday After Easter - The Value of Little Daily Duties - Rev. Mr. Joseph HarberPassion Sunday - Our Lord the New High Priest - Fr. Leo VeitkusFourth Sunday of Lent - Let Christ Reign in Me - Fr. Colin BuckleySexagesima Sunday - May You Fight the Good Fight for Your Salvation - Fr. Colin BuckleySeptuagesima Sunday - To Strive for the Mastery - Fr. Colin BuckleyFourth Sunday After the Epiphany - Call on Our Lord for Help - Bishop James CarrollThird Sunday After The Epiphany - The Importance of Faith in the Practice of Our Religion - Fr. Leo VeitkusThird Sunday of Advent - Have Optimism and Joy - Fr. Shane BuckleyThird Sunday of Advent - The Pale Blue Dot - Fr. Sebastian FantzTwenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - Being Catholic Means Living Our Catholic Faith - Fr. Leo VeitkusTwenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost - Be A Crusader for God - Fr. Colin BuckleyNinteenth Sunday After Pentecost - God is the Author of My Vocation - Fr. Paul SkierkaNinteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Do Not Let the Sun Go Down on Your Anger - Fr. Matthew WilderEighteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Slanderer Beware This Is No Place For Thee - Fr Sebastian FantzEighteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Let Us Excuse Our Neighbor - Fr Colin BuckleyFeast of the Guardian Angels (Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost) - Do Not Give Scandal to Children - Bishop Joseph SantayEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - Confession, the Miracle of Grace - Fr. Shane BuckleyTenth Sunday After Pentecost - Pride, the Overwhelming Downfall of Man - Bishop James CarrollEighth Sunday After Pentecost - We Must Take What Means We Can to Ensure Our Safety - Fr. Shane BuckleyFourth Sunday After Pentecost - Today We Are in Need of True Catholic Patriots - Fr. Paul KrugSixth Sunday After Pentecost - Sons and Daughters of the King - Bishop Joseph SantayFourth Sunday After Pentecost - Pray for Vocations - Bishop Joseph SantayFourth Sunday After Pentecost - Priestly Vocations - May They Hear the Call of Our Lord - Fr. Colin BuckleySexagesima Sunday - Staying Firm Against Temptations - Fr. Leo VeitkusSeptuagesima Sunday - Let Us Be Workers in the Vineyard - Fr. Colin BuckleyFifth Sunday After the Epiphany - Each Day Offer Yourself to God - Fr. Colin BuckleyFifth Sunday After the Epiphany - Walk in the Footsteps of Our Lord - Fr. Shane BuckleyFeast of the Holy Name - Use the Sacrament of Confession Well - Fr. Colin BuckleySecond Sunday of Advent - God Does Use Good Example to Great Benefit - Fr. Leo VeitkusLast Sunday After Pentecost - Be A Comfort to Our Lord - Fr. Colin BuckleyTwenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost - Bringing Good Out of Evil - Fr. Shane BuckleyTwenty-First Sunday After Pentecost - Temporal Punishment, Reparation for Offending God - Fr. Shane BuckleyFifteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Kindling Contrition for Our Sins - Fr. Shane BuckleyTenth Sunday After Pentecost - Having True Sorrow for Our Sins - Fr. Colin BuckleySeventh Sunday After Pentecost - Wolves in Sheeps Clothing, By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them - Fr. Paul KrugSixth Sunday After Pentecost - We Must Live Our Catholic Faith - Bishop Joseph SantaySixth Sunday After Pentecost - The Cross of Christ and The Flag of Our Country - Fr. Matthew NewmanSixth Sunday After Pentecost - I Have Compassion on the Multitude - Fr. Colin BuckleyFourth Sunday After Easter - St. Lucy and the Guidance of the Holy Ghost - Fr. Colin BuckleyFeast of St. Mark - Turn Our Lord's Sorrow into Joy - Fr. Colin BuckleyGood Shepherd Sunday - The Terrible Effects of Scandal and Bad Example - Fr. Leo VeitkusSecond Sunday of Lent - Keep Your Eyes on the Transfigured Christ - Bishop Joseph SantaySeptuagesima Sunday - The True Promised Land - Bishop Joseph SantaySeptuagesima Sunday - The Race to Heaven - Fr. Colin BuckleyThird Sunday After Epiphany - The Forgotten Secret of Fatima - Fr. Paul KrugFourth Sunday of Advent - St Martin of Tours and the Dignity of the Priesthood - Bishop Joseph SantayLast Sunday After Pentecost - Return Thanks to God - Fr. Paul KrugFeast of All Saints - A Staircase to Sanctity - The Beatitudes - Bishop James CarrollFeast of St. Luke - Vocation, A Call to Higher Things - Fr. Colin BuckleySixteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Pray for Vocations to Help Save Souls - Fr. Colin BuckleyFifteenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Compassion of Christ for Grieving Mothers - Bishop Joseph SantayEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - The Sacrament of Penance Shows the Mercy of God - Fr. Matthew WilderTenth Sunday After Pentecost - Temptations the Devil Uses to Prevent Good Confession - Fr. Colin BuckleySeventh Sunday After Pentecost-Bamboo Shoots and Contrition-Fr. Colin BuckleySixth Sunday After Pentecost - Contrition for Sin - Bishop James CarrollFirst Sunday of Advent - Signs of the End Times - Fr. Matthew NewmanSecond Sunday of Advent - Defend True Catholic Morality - Fr. Matthew NewmanFourth Sunday of Advent - Confession - Fr. Benjamin SelwayCircumcision - Knowledge of God - Fr. Matthew NewmanSunday Within the Octave of Christmas - Loyalty to Our Baptismal Vows - Fr. Colin BuckleyFifth Sunday After Epiphany - Right Use of the Intellect and Will - Fr. Leo VeitkusSexagesima Sunday - Are We Worldly Minded - Fr. Paul KrugThird Sunday of Lent - Spiritual Blindness - Fr. Matthew NewmanFirst Sunday After Easter - Have Faith - Fr. Paul KrugFirst Sunday After Easter - The Light of Faith - Fr. James CuratoloFourth Sunday After Easter - Devotion to the Holy Ghost - Fr. Leo VeitkusSunday Within the Octave of the Ascension - Be Firm and Uncompromising in the Midst of Moral Persecution - Bishop Joseph SantaySunday Within the Octave of the Ascension - He Who Perseveres to the End - Bishop Joseph SantaySunday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart - Making a Good Confession - Fr. Benjamin SelwaySecond Sunday After Pentecost - Wonder Not If the World Hates You - Bishop Joseph SantaySeventh Sunday After Pentecost - False Prophets - Fr. Colin BuckleyNinth Sunday After Pentecost - True Patriots Pray and Sacrifice for Their Country - Fr. Leo VeitkusTenth Sunday After Pentecost - Judgments - Bishop Joseph SantayEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - The Grace of Baptism - Fr. Sebastian FantzEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - The Gift of Speech - Fr. Leo VeitkusTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Keeping the Commandments of God - Fr. Paul SkierkaFourteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Seek First the Kingdom of God - Fr. Paul SkierkaFifteenth Sunday After Pentecost - We Suffer Persecution - Fr. James CuratoloEighteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Confession - Fr. Benjamin SelwayEighteenth Sunday After Pentecost - A Sincere Contrition and Confession - Fr. Michael MartinNineteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen - Fr. Matthew WilderTwenty-second Sunday After Pentecost - Detachment from the Things of the World - Fr. James CuratoloTwenty-second Sunday After Pentecost - Do All for the Love of God - Fr. Benjamin SelwayLast Sunday of Pentecost - The Tribulations of the End of the World - Fr. Matthew NewmanTwenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost - Hold Fast to the True Faith - Fr. Paul KrugTwenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost - Break Inordinate Attachments - Fr. Matthew Wilder