Charity 3-2-2025 Quinquagesima Sunday - The Greatest of All the Virtues - Fr. Leo Veitkus3-2-2025 Quinquagesima Sunday - Little Acts of Charity - Fr. Michael Butler11-17-2024 Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - The Yeast of Charity - Fr. Michael Butler11-10-2024 Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - Those Little Acts of Kindness - Fr. Colin Buckley11-3-2024 Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost - The Objects of Your Charity - Fr. Matthew WilderTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost - St. Lawrence and Charity to Our Neighbor - Fr. Leo VeitkusQuinquagesima Sunday - Love of God, Here I Am - Fr. Paul KrugTwenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - Ward Off the Spirit of Coldness By the Practice of Kindness- Fr. Paul KrugSeventeenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Practical Virtue of Charity - Fr. Alexander PetersTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Charity, To Fulfill the Law of Christ - Bishop Joseph SantaySunday Within the Octave of the Ascension - To Do for the Love of Christ - Bishop Joseph SantayThird Sunday After The Epiphany - Let Us Overcome Evil by Good - Fr. Michael MartinSixteenth Sunday After Pentecost - To Know the Charity of Christ - Bishop Joseph SantayTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Fulfill the Law of Christ With Love - Fr. Shane BuckleyTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Am I A Good Samaritan - Fr. Sebastian FantzFifth Sunday After Pentecost - Through Love of God and Our Neighbor Justice is Found - Fr. Matthew NewmanFifth Sunday After Pentecost - We Earn Grace for Souls by Forgiveness not Revenge - Fr. Colin BuckleySunday Within Octave of the Ascension - Have a Constant Mutual Charity - Fr. Colin BuckleyThird Sunday of Lent - Strive to Foster True Charity - Fr. Paul KrugQuinquagesima Sunday - Without Supernatural Charity There Is No Salvation - Bishop Joseph SantaySeventeenth Sunday After Pentecost - Love of God, Our Most Essential Duty - Fr. Colin BuckleySeventeenth Sunday After Pentecost - Charity, The Greatest Commandment of God - Fr. Shane BuckleySunday Within the Octave of the Ascension - The Practice of True Catholic Charity - Fr. Colin BuckleySunday Within the Octave of Christmas - Feast of St. John - Little Children Love One Another - Fr. Paul KrugTwenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost - Love of God is the Highest Good - Fr. Colin BuckleySeventeenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Two Greatest Commandments - Fr. Benjamin SelwayFifth Sunday After Pentecost - Set the Example of Meekness and Forgiveness - Fr. Michael MartinThird Sunday of Advent - Welcome the Christ Child with Charity in the Home - Fr. James CarrollFourth Sunday of Advent - Lack of Charity and Detraction - Fr. Matthew NewmanFourth Sunday After Epiphany - Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself - Fr. Benjamin SelwayFourth Sunday After Epiphany - Control of the Tongue - Bishop Joseph SantayThe Feast of the Holy Family - Forgiving Others - Fr. Leo VeitkusQuinquagesima Sunday - Charity Is Friendship with God - Bishop Joseph SantayQuinquagesima Sunday - Charity and Forgiveness - Fr. Matthew NewmanAscension Thursday - Preach the Gospel by Your Good Example - Fr. Sebastian FantzSunday Within the Octave of the Ascension - Charity Covereth a Multitude of Sins - Fr. Paul SkierkaFifth Sunday After Pentecost - True Service of One's Neighbor - Fr. Benjamin SelwayTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Christlike Charity - Fr. Benjamin SelwayEighteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Excuse the Conduct of Others - Fr. Colin BuckleyFifteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Charity in Bearing One Another's Burdens - Fr. Benjamin SelwayFifteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Charity the First Fruit of the Holy Ghost - Fr. Leo VeitkusTwenty-first Sunday After Pentecost - True Charity is Forgiving Our Neighbor - Fr. James CuratoloTwenty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost - Even As the Lord Hath Forgiven You So You Do Also - Fr. Benjamin SelwayTwenty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost - Charity the Bond of Perfection - Fr. James Curatolo