Blessed Sacrament 2-16-2025 Septuagesima Sunday, Forty Hours Devotion - The Source of Grace - Fr. Colin BuckleySixth Sunday after Pentecost - Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament - Rev. Mr. Michael ButlerCorpus Christi - Devotion to the Holy Eucharist - Fr. Paul KrugFourth Sunday of Lent - The Holy Eucharist, Our Spiritual Food - Fr. Colin BuckleyForty Hours Devotion (First Sunday of Lent) - Come to the Altar - Fr. Colin BuckleySixth Sunday After Pentecost - The Spiritual Food of Our Souls - Rev. Mr. Alexander PetersFeast of Corpus Christi - Let Us Turn to the Most Blessed Sacrament - Fr. Shane BuckleyFirst Sunday After Easter - Faith by Action - Rev. Mr. Joseph HarberQuinquagesima Sunday - Come to the Safe Haven of the Blessed Sacrament - Fr. Colin BuckleyWithin the Octave of Corpus Christi - What A Treasure We Have In The Holy Eucharist - Bishop Joseph SantayWithin the Octave of Corpus Christi - Turn to Our Mother and Queen to Teach Us to Love Our King - Fr. Colin BuckleyFeast of Corpus Christi - Let the Blessed Sacrament Be the Most Important Thing in Our Life - Fr. Leo VeitkusSunday Within the Octave of Corpus Christi - The Holy Eucharist, Our Hidden Treasure - Bishop Joseph SantaySunday Within the Octave of Corpus Christi - The Blessed Sacrament Through the Eyes of Our Lady - Fr. Colin BuckleySunday Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart - Making Good Holy Communions - Fr. Paul SkierkaSunday Within the Octave of Corpus Christi - The Greatest of All the Sacraments - Bishop Jospeh SantayCorpus Christi - Do We Really Love God? - Fr. Matthew WilderTrinity Sunday - I Am with You All Days - Fr. Matthew NewmanMidnight Mass - God Among Us - Fr. Sebastian FantzThird Sunday After Epiphany - Holy Communion and the Need of Reparation - Bishop Joseph SantayOpening of the Forty Hours Devotion - Fr. Matthew NewmanFirst Sunday of Lent - Opening of the Forty Hours - Why God Created Us - Fr. Leo VeitkusFirst Sunday of Lent - Opening of the Forty Hours Devotion - Fr. James CuratoloSecond Sunday of Lent - The Blessed Sacrament - Source of Grace - Fr. Colin BuckleyFourth Sunday of Lent - Receiving Holy Communion Well - Bishop James CarrollFourth Sunday of Lent - Holy Eucharist and Real Presence - Fr. Paul BaumbergerAscension Thursday - Christ with Us in the Blessed Sacrament - Fr. Colin BuckleyCorpus Christi - Fr. Matthew NewmanCorpus Christi - The Holy Eucharist Is the Life Giving Food for Our Souls - Fr. Benjamin SelwaySunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi - A Devout Reception of Holy Communion - Bishop James CarrollSunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi - Be On Fire with Love of Christ in the Holy Eucharist - Fr. Benjamin SelwaySunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi - Having a Desire and Longing to Receive Jesus in Holy Communion - Bishop Joseph SantayThe Feast of Saint John the Baptist - Receiving Jesus Worthily In Holy Communion - Fr. Benjamin Selway