The Congregation of St. Pius V regularly serves eighteen Mass centers around the United States
We also help the priests of the Society of St. Pius V at their Mass centers whenever the need arises. Thus, Congregation priests are occasionally seen in chapels in Minnesota, Montana, and Ohio.
Click or tap a city below to see more information.
Durango, CO
Boynton Beach, FL
Starke, FL
Idaho Falls, ID
Chicago, IL
Des Moines, IA
Louisville, KY
Baltimore, MD
Traverse City, MI
Rochester, MN
St. Louis, MO
Melville, NY
Oyster Bay, NY
Rochester, NY
Round Top, NY
Utica, NY
Allentown, PA
Williamsport, PA
Each priest’s experiences while traveling are unique, and no two trips are ever quite the same. However, a rough idea of life on the missions can be gained by comparing these two schedules below.

How many miles, on average, does a Congregation priest travel in one year? Click or tap to reveal the answer.
95,262 miles
How many miles, on average, do the Congregation priests collectively travel in one weekend? Click or tap to reveal the answer.
11,891 miles