Death, Judgment, Eternity 3-16-2025 Second Sunday of Lent - Heaven is Our True Home - Bishop Joseph Santay12-1-2024 First Sunday of Advent - God Holds the Reins - Fr. Michael Butler11-24-2024 Last Sunday After Pentecost - Think of Judgment, Think of Hell - Fr. Alexander PetersTwenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - Always Be Prepared for Our Lord - Fr. Shane BuckleyNinth Sunday After Pentecost - We Must Be Prepared for Our Death - Rev. Mr. Alexander PetersEighth Sunday After Pentecost - The Saddest Story the World Has Ever Known - Fr. Matthew WilderThird Sunday After Easter - The Consideration of Heaven - Fr. Shane BuckleyFirst Sunday of Lent - Remember You Must Die - Fr. Benjamin SelwayLast Sunday After Pentecost - The Most Important Day on Earth - Fr. Shane BuckleyLast Sunday After Pentecost - Every Man Will Stand Before the Divine Judge - Fr. Sebastian FantzNinteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Consider the Great Truth of Hell - Fr. Sebastian FantzEleventh Sunday After Pentecost - Why We Are Here and Where We Are Going - Bishop Joseph SantayLast Sunday of Pentecost - Let Us Prepare for the Most Important Day of Our Lives - Fr. Shane BuckleyFourth Sunday After Pentecost - Always Be Prepared for Death - Fr. Leo VeitkusLast Sunday of Pentecost - Thoughts of the Last Judgment - Bishop James CarrollThe Feast of the Circumcision - Shortness of Life - Fr. Paul BaumbergerThe Feast of the Circumcision - Life is Passing Serve God Well - Fr. Paul SkierkaThe Feast of the Circumcision - Use Your Time Well - Fr Paul BaumbergerSeptuagesima Sunday - Win the Race for Heaven - Bishop Joseph SantaySeptuagesima Sunday - Gain an Incorruptible Crown - Fr. Paul KrugSeptuagesima Sunday - Always Strive for Eternal Life - Fr. James CuratoloFirst Sunday of Lent - On Death - Bishop Joseph SantaySecond Sunday of Lent - Look to Heaven - Fr. Benjamin SelwayThird Sunday After Easter - The Pains of Hell and the Joys of Heaven - Fr. Leo VeitkusAscension Thursday - Eternity - Bishop Joseph SantayAscension Thursday - Make Christ the Only Treasure of Your Heart - Bishop Joseph SantayAscension Thursday - Gaining Merit for Heaven - Fr. Matthew WilderAscension Thursday - Think Often of Heaven - Fr. James CuratoloFifth Sunday After Pentecost - The Existence of Hell - Fr. Paul SkierkaSixteenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Particular Judgment and Eternity - Fr. Leo VeitkusNineteenth Sunday After Pentecost - The Torments of Hell - Fr. Leo VeitkusTwenty-third Sunday After Pentecost - Prepare Now for Death - Fr. Paul KrugLast Sunday of Pentecost - How Will This Affect My Eternity? - Fr. Sebastian FantzLast Sunday of Pentecost - Death and Judgment - Bishop Joseph SantayLast Sunday of Pentecost - Always Be Prepared for Death - Fr. Benjamin Selway