Brothers of the Congregation

The Brotherhood

What is a Religious Brother?

A religious brother is a layman, in the sense that he is not tonsured and, thus, does not enter the clerical state. However, he is a religious, for he lives the daily life of the seminary with the priests and seminarians, and he takes the vows of obedience, chastity, and stability.

Brothers in Our Congregation

In the Congregation of St. Pius V, brothers are equal to the priests as regards the general goal of the Congregation, which is the glory of God and the sanctification of its members. They are also equal to the priests regarding the special purpose of the Congregation, which is to perform works of charity towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus and our neighbor. Their specific works, however, differ, for the brothers’ role is to assist the priests in the fulfillment of their duties. They often drive the priests to the various chapels and accompany them when they bring Holy Communion to the faithful.

More About the Brothers

Bishop Kelly consecration
Bishop Kelly consecration

The brothers may teach catechism or certain academic subjects at the seminary or in the schools.

Bishop Kelly consecration


Bishop Kelly consecration

Clearing the Table after Meals

Bishop Kelly consecration


Bishop Kelly consecration

Brothers Currently in the Congregation

Bishop Kelly consecration
Bishop Kelly consecration

Brothers may do domestic work and other works of manual labor.

Bishop Kelly consecration

Setting Up Vestments for Mass

Bishop Kelly consecration

Cooking Meals

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