Welcome to the Congregation of St. Pius V
Bishop Clarence Kelly established our Congregation in accord with Canon Law. The members are bound by private vows in which both subjects and superiors are governed by written constitutions and live the common life. The members are united by the same purpose: the glory of God, their own salvation, and the salvation of the souls whom we serve.
A Message of Encouragement from Bishop James Carroll
My Dear Friends,
Amidst these troubling times, how important it is that we do not allow fear, worry, and anxiety to preoccupy us. As St. Francis de Sales tells us: “Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life with fear; rather look upon them with strong hope that, as they arise, God, Whose child you are, will deliver you from them. . . . Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.”
Prayer and confidence in the goodness of God are always our great support. Let us remember that God is our Father and that we are in His care. He lovingly arranges every detail of our lives, even the smallest, and He does this knowing what is best for us.
Let us then have confidence in the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, for “the same Everlasting Father Who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day.” (St. Francis de Sales) All we have to do is persevere in the love of God and the practice of our Faith, trusting in Him all the while. To do this, pray more often throughout the day. I especially encourage you to pray the family Rosary each day and to do so with attention and real devotion. Let us beseech Our Blessed Mother, into whose care Our Lord entrusted us shortly before He died upon the Cross, to assist us. Under her title of the Immaculate Conception, she is the patroness of our country. Let us then go to her and beg her assistance not only with the Rosary but also with these words: “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!” Finally, I ask you to join sacrifice to prayer in order to win God’s relief and mercy for our country.
Be assured of my prayers and those of all the priests, seminarians, and brothers. May the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart strengthen you and fill you with hope, peace, and courage.
God bless you,
The Most Rev. James Carroll, C.S.P.V